Blocksworld by no means is a bad game. In fact, this game is great. I loved it before the April 1st update. I was trying to test out one of my worlds and the parts of my model randomly meshed together and it was the WORST glitch I have ever seen! I mean goat simulator wouldnt have a glitch like that! I also dont like how its revolving around money a lot more. All the sets cost twice as much and coins are much harder to get now. I remember opening the app everyday to get a good amount of coins. But now, I open the app everyday to get five coins from any model and any day. All the games that interest me cost coins. I dont have a problem with people trying to make more money off of their game, I just dont like how coins are so hard to earn. I remember starting out the game with nine hundred coins! Now, I get like five coins a day. I also miss the MLP sets. I spent my money on coins to get those sets just to see that they were removed. Please bring them back! No wonder the update came out on April 1st, this update is a joke!!! In conclusion, if you want the game, you should either not mind terrible glitches and you better have a few bucks to fork over if you want to get far. I recommend waiting for the next update to download. The April 1st update broke the game completely. The only reason I gave it 3 stars was because the game is good, but just is going through a bad glitches and money phase. The game might as well cost money.
A. Duck about Blocksworld HD